
Thursday, December 20, 2012


Wow!! I cannot believe how long is has been since my last post.  Our move was pretty intense.  We lived with family for about a month and I had no access to my laptop so that left me unable to blog.  I give tons of credit to people who can blog from a phone.  I couldn't do it to save my life! I was also having some major nail issues.  With my nerves shot for most of the time we were in limbo, I began biting my nails again.  They are recovering from my binge now lol.  So I have some really cute festive nail art coming in the next couple of days.  For now I have a guest post.  My very first guest post from my friend Michelle.  Really cute!!! Glitter gets me every time!!  She will be starting a new blog of her own soon (link to follow).  For now here is her first post...

Hi all!  Sirena asked if I would do a guest post on her blog and I was really excited to do it because I like to show off my nails, but like her I have many needy kids and never find time.  I finally decided to just do it!  I hope it's a good post.

I felt being Christmasy today.  What is more Christmasy than red with silver and gold glitter? 

My base coat is Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear's Red Carpet, which is a red jelly with fine red glitter.  It's so pretty!  

Lately I've been drooling over indie glitters.  I unfortunately cannot fathom paying $8-$12 for a bottle of polish, so when I saw this company having a Cyber Monday deal of 40% all polishes including mini's, you know I went to town.  I got 9 mini bottles!  So I popped my indie cherry!  The company is Pop Culture Cosmetics and they have some really cute polishes.  I used their Silver and Gold polish, which has large and small gold and silver hex glitter as well as some bar glitter, as the glitter top coat.  You can't really see the different glitters because of the bad lighting, but it is really a cool color combo.

I hope you enjoyed my first nail post!